Sunday, April 8, 2012

Baal Chaupaal

Hi friends,

Greetings from Baal Chaupaal!

It is with great enthusiasm and delight that I write to you on behalf of "Baal Chaupaal", an upcoming, new, and unique magazine for and by the kids throughout the world.
What makes Baal Chaupaal unique?
1. First magazine that will have articles written mainly by the kids, for the kids..
2. First that will have articles written by underprivileged kids ( from homeless shelters, orphanages, slums, etc…)
3. First that will be available to the underprivileged kids for free…..
4. Global magazine…as we aspire to reach across the world

We have received numerous articles so far, not only from adults and privileged kids, but also from underprivileged kids, but more articles are always welcome. We are very excited about the launching of this magazine in the next few weeks, hopefully simultaneously in India, USA, and NZ.

We, at Baal Chaupaal want to encourage "learning by writing” not only among children, but also among adults as we know that the art of writing stimulates imagination and allows us to put our thoughts in an organized manner on paper!

In today’s era of technology, we seem to be losing the art of writing which is scary and a big threat for our future generation. We want to try and prevent that through this magazine of ours.

As you are probably aware, the word Baal means “child.” “Chaupaal”, on the other hand can be defined as a place of secular nature that guarantees freedom of speech and expression to everybody present there. The hub of community life in villages, chaupaal is sometimes just a simple, raised platform, shaded by a large tree. In fact, chaupaal can be any place where people sit and discuss their problems, celebrate their pleasures, share their pains and sort out their disputes.

Many thanks to all those have contributed! Once again, we invite and request you and your family, friends, and colleagues to submit any kid oriented articles (motivational/fiction/non-fiction/poems/drawings/paintings/your experience as a kid) to one of the addresses below:

Friends, in this endeavor of ours, we need, and look towards all of you for your love, help, and support.
Thank you very much for your time!
The "Baal Chaupaal" team.

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